Enjoy the birds. I think learning to let and relax is a valuable lesson we all need to learn but not only once...periodically, like a review of our lives. We should regularly check in and take a moment to breathe.

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You're so right! Thanks for reading. :)

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You wrote to my heart, Debbie.

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Awwwww, thanks Leigh! 😊

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Why is it we don't learn the value of this sooner? "No more pushing through pain and sweat." Step back, take a breath and give ourselves the joy of being able to respect a healthy limit. That might well apply to many things besides work, such as gardening, exercise and running, for those who run. As an older, elder, I don't run anywhere any more but I do walk, and I get to where I'm going. There may be more in that than I first recognized when I wrote it. I watched the hummingbird tongues the other day and wrote a note about that. Isn't nature the best kick in the pants ever? And, along with you and others, I highly recommend "Braiding Sweetgrass." I'm currently working my way through

"Natural Magic: Emily Dickinson, Charles Darwin and the Dawn of Modern Science" by Renée Bergland

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Hi Gary! I think we don’t learn it sooner because we’re so busy and don’t have time to learn it! But I think the commentary out there is pushing us to slow down and the sooner we can implement some small things, the better off we’ll be, I think. 😊

PS thanks for your book recommendations!

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Thanks, Debbie. I believe we have the time, we don't take it and instead, fill it up with other things that we deem more important, at the time! Here's one of my recent posts,


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