I’m so glad to have found you here! I first discovered your writing on Twitter, and it’s always resonated with me. Thanks for being so relatable and honest in your writing.

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You’ve made my day, Gretchen! Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to comment! 😊

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Fascinating account of that interview! Sometimes therapy appears in strange places at unannounced times when we least expect it. Unresolved anger has a way of reappearing to upset us and it will raise its ugly head again when we revisit the experience in such lucid detail. Natalie Goldberg's "Writing Down the Bones" helps free the writer within. That you are free to share your life's experiences in such a way that they come alive for us is such a welcome gift. Thank you and we look forward to your next book!

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Thanks so much for reading, Gary! I'm glad you enjoyed it and appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment. :)

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